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- International Name (active ingredient): Bifidumbacterin
- Pharmacological group: Drugs regulating intestinal microflora
Manufacturer: Biopharm L
- Country: Georgia
Issuing mode: Group III over-the-counter
Each tablet of the drug contains 10 7 live microbes of Bifidumbaqterium bifidum and Bifidumbaqterium longum stamps , which is the main human symbiont and dominates the intestinal flora of children and adults.
Pharmacological properties
The antagonistic activity of bifidumbacteria prevents the spread of various pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic microbes in the body, cleanses the body, regulates the intestinal microflora by increasing the nonspecific resistance of the organism by exposure to inflammatory foci. It also improves metabolism and is involved in the synthesis of B vitamins.
Bifidumbacterin is used for treatment and prophylaxis.
Biological drug without contraindications
The drug is used:
- For the treatment of dysbacteriosis, which develops due to a deficiency of the microflora caused by antibiotics in the body, during hormonal, chemical, radiation and other therapeutic treatments.
- In colitis and enterocolitis.
- In intestinal dysfunction of unknown etiology in children, adults and pregnant women
- in the acute and chronic inflammatory processes of infants, in the complex treatment of sepsis
- in the period of transition to artificial feeding of newborns
Rules and doses
The drug is taken periodically 30-20 minutes before eating.
In children: half a powdered tablet is dissolved in one teaspoon of boiling water at room temperature - three times a day.
In adults - 1 tablet 3 times a day.
The course of treatment is 3-4 weeks.
Each tablet of the drug contains 10 7 live microbes of Bifidumbaqterium bifidum and Bifidumbaqterium longum stamps , which is the main human symbiont and dominates the intestinal flora of children and adults.
Pharmacological properties
The antagonistic activity of bifidumbacteria prevents the spread of various pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic microbes in the body, cleanses the body, regulates the intestinal microflora by increasing the nonspecific resistance of the organism by exposure to inflammatory foci. It also improves metabolism and is involved in the synthesis of B vitamins.
Bifidumbacterin is used for treatment and prophylaxis.
Biological drug without contraindications
The drug is used:
- For the treatment of dysbacteriosis, which develops due to a deficiency of the microflora caused by antibiotics in the body, during hormonal, chemical, radiation and other therapeutic treatments.
- In colitis and enterocolitis.
- In intestinal dysfunction of unknown etiology in children, adults and pregnant women
- in the acute and chronic inflammatory processes of infants, in the complex treatment of sepsis
- in the period of transition to artificial feeding of newborns
Rules and doses
The drug is taken periodically 30-20 minutes before eating.
In children: half a powdered tablet is dissolved in one teaspoon of boiling water at room temperature - three times a day.
In adults - 1 tablet 3 times a day.
The course of treatment is 3-4 weeks.
The drug has no contraindications
The drug has no contraindications
Shelf life: 3 years
Storage conditions: Dry, cool, protected from light
The dispensing rule in a pharmacy
Issued without a prescription (Group III)